Dr. Tom on Events in Sudan

Dr. Tom Catena emailed Kennth Carlson (Director of The Heart of Nuba) today and spoke briefly about the current events, and coup, in Sudan. As usual, he is walking with a steadfast vision forward, to the job at hand, taking changes in stride as he continues to focus on the hospital. 

I saw this news today about the military takeover in Sudan.  It just underscores the fact that this is a very volatile region and has a long way to go before there is real reform.  On the surface everything seemed to be progressing well with the transitional government but in reality they were not all going in the same direction.
Fortunately, this won’t affect our day to day operations in Nuba but will likely disrupt the peace talks between the SPLA-N and the government.
I’m planning to come back to the US in May… Hope we can get to the west coast.
Hang in there, brother and thank you for your support,