The Film That Became a Movement
Saving Lives in Sudan
When President Omar Al-Bashir ordered the relentless bombing of the citizens of his own country in the Nuba mountains of Sudan, Dr. Tom Catena was on the ground, one doctor serving 700,000 patients. When a ceasefire was agreed to and the bombing stopped, Dr. Tom stayed, to serve the people who have put their faith and their hope in him.
Telling the Story
A college friend of Dr. Tom’s, filmmaker Kenneth A. Carlson navigated armed militia in Sudan to tell the story. Internationally acclaimed and award-winning, The Heart of Nuba, is now available through Hulu, iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Sony, Xbox and in public libraries via Hoopla. It has raised more than $600,000 for medicine, vaccinations, supplies and crucial training of Sudanese staff to support Dr. Tom’s critical, life-saving work.
Recent News:
The Heart of Nuba on NPR’s Film Week
“…praiseworthy, almost Nobel Prize praiseworthy.”
LA Times Reviews The Heart of Nuba
“gripping, inspiring documentary.”
Nightline Interviews Kenneth A. Carlson
What it’s like being the only doctor in war-torn Sudan’s Nuba Mountains
Catholic New York
‘Heart of Nuba’ Tells of Catholic Doctor’s Service and Selflessness
From the Nuba Mountains to the Village East
We were so excited to receive these photos this morning -- a group from the Nuba Mountains at the Village East Cinema watching The Heart of Nuba! They gave it a "thumbs up" and felt it was an important movie.
Sr. Rose of National Catholic Reporter
“Catena’s respect for the dignity of the Nuba people is profound.”
New York Times
“…a moving and remarkable story.”
Hollywood Reporter
‘Saints Don’t Always Look the Way You’d Expect’
The Heart of Nuba on CNN
“If I Leave, People Will Die”