Featured News
Recent features on The Heart of Nuba, press, news from the coalition and more.
Dr. Tom in Armenia, Speaks on Armenian Genocide
“Don’t let the idea of genocide die out as this is something which can never happen again, this is happening now and this will continue happening in the future.”
Dr. Tom on a Postage Stamp!
Armenia’s national postal operator is issuing a new international postage stamp in honor of Dr. Tom Catena.
A New Generator for Mother of Mercy Hospital
Last year’s flood destroyed the generator at Mother of Mercy Hospital, Dr. Tom’s hospital. Donations from his supporters have procured and installed a new one.
Video from Los Angeles Premiere of The Heart of Nuba
From our partners for the Los Angeles premiere, The Africa Channel.
Carlson Meets With Congressman McGovern
Producer/Director Kenneth A Carlson met yesterday with Congressman James P. McGovern (D-MA), Co-Chair of Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, United States Congress, discussing the road forward for the people of Nuba.
The Heart of Nuba Screens at the Academy
The Heart of Nuba screens at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
LA Premiere of The Heart of Nuba
A fantastic premiere in Los Angeles last night, to a sold out crowd. Q and A moderated by The Africa Channel's Nzinga Blake, with The Heart of Nuba director Kenneth A. Carlson, and Cecil Blake, former Cabinet Minister of Information and Broadcasting...
The Heart of Nuba on NPR’s Film Week
“…praiseworthy, almost Nobel Prize praiseworthy.”
LA Times Reviews The Heart of Nuba
“gripping, inspiring documentary.”
Nightline Interviews Kenneth A. Carlson
What it’s like being the only doctor in war-torn Sudan’s Nuba Mountains
Sr. Rose of National Catholic Reporter
“Catena’s respect for the dignity of the Nuba people is profound.”
New York Times
“…a moving and remarkable story.”
Hollywood Reporter
‘Saints Don’t Always Look the Way You’d Expect’
The Heart of Nuba on CNN
“If I Leave, People Will Die”
March 26 New York Premiere
On March 26 the Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) hosted the exclusive New York Premiere of The Heart of Nuba at the Village East Cinema. Thirty one members of Tom Catena's family attended the premiere and sent special messages to Sudan from the...