Sudan News
“April 11th, 2019 will hopefully be a big day in Sudanese history as it was the day that dictator Omar al-Bashir and his henchmen were removed from power after a 30 year reign of terror. He has presided over 3 separate bloody civil wars in which millions died as a result of war, starvation and disease. His government has committed an uncountable number of war crimes and crimes against humanity and is very likely complicit in the genocides of Nuba Mountains and Darfur. We only hope to see him tried in the International Criminal Court to try to get some measure of justice.
“Bashir has been replaced by a military council which will oversee governmental affairs for for the next two years until a civilian government can be put in place. That’s the plan anyway but it remains to be seen if the military council is any better than the previous government.
“The reaction of the people in Nuba has been rather muted. They are pleased that their nemesis has been deposed but remain skeptical that a military council made up of the very men they have been fighting for 35 years will be much better than their predecessors. Anyway, it’s a change and a step in the right direction and we are hopeful that this will lead to real and permanent solutions to the many problems of Sudan.
“No matter which way this new government turns out, we will need continued prayers and support to sustain us during these challenging times.”

Praying for you and the people of Sudan!!!
We can only pray for more peaceful times for this region. Thanks to you and your team for your tireless efforts. Prayers and peace.
Unbelievable. I read two papers everyday, and nowhere was there any news about the overthrow. I’m so happy for the people there. Ever since I saw the movie, I have been praying that the people of the Nuba Mountains have peace, and that Bashir and all like him come over to the side of loving their neighbor as the,selves. I really believe that peace is coming to you, and will hold you in my prayers. If I can do anything else, please let me know.
That is an answer to prayer! Praise God for He will surely lead the Sudanese people into triumph!!
May Jesus bring in a man after after His own heart and teachable! Dr. Tom why don’t you nominate a leader and get everyone’s approval on it?❤😊I will be praying and hopefully send some of my tithes… God Bless you all
Prayers for peace for the Sudanese people n you Dr Catena
Dr. Tom, I recently viewed your documentary and was just dumbfounded at what was going on over there. I consider myself somewhat savy on world affairs but I had no clue of the horror happening in that part of the world. It’s just not on the news. I cried watching the everyday struggles of the people and the children who know nothing else. You have many jewels in your crown. You are my definition of a true hero.
I was so thrilled to hear of Bashir’s removal the other day. I pray sunny days are ahead for everyone. Wishing you all peace, love and happy days from Louisiana.
Melissa Fouts.
I’m going to Sudan for the month of June to work with a radio station in Khartoum (Capital 91.6FM) and help them develop an English language program using Sudanese folktales. It’s a project sponsored by Georgetown Univ. and the U.S. State Department. I learned about Dr. Catena through Facebook years ago but didn’t connect the dots until now. To say he is inspirational is grossly inadequate.
Praying for you and your team. I was inspired by the recent documentary on your work there in Sudan.
That’s a great news! I watched the beautiful doc about doctor Catena and his staff and your work is amazing!