Recent News:
August 2018: A Message from Dr. Tom
We were so delighted to receive this message from Dr. Tom in August, from "the bush" of the Nuba mountains. Your participation and support has meant so much to him, and to the families of the Nuba mountains. Please continue. If you haven't yet donated,...
UN Dispatch: Tom Catena is a Hero Doctor of Sudan’s Nuba Mountains (Podcast)
Mark Leon Goldberg interviews Dr. Tom in Yerevan, Armenia where he was on hand to participate in events around the Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity. Goldberg says "This is a powerful conversation with a true humanitarian who has saved countless lives in...
Dr. Tom in Armenia, Speaks on Armenian Genocide
“Don’t let the idea of genocide die out as this is something which can never happen again, this is happening now and this will continue happening in the future.”
Sudan After Sanctions
Who is benefiting from the lifting of sanctions by the US?
Dr. Tom on a Postage Stamp!
Armenia’s national postal operator is issuing a new international postage stamp in honor of Dr. Tom Catena.
A New Generator for Mother of Mercy Hospital
Last year’s flood destroyed the generator at Mother of Mercy Hospital, Dr. Tom’s hospital. Donations from his supporters have procured and installed a new one.
Video from Los Angeles Premiere of The Heart of Nuba
From our partners for the Los Angeles premiere, The Africa Channel.
John Prendergast to Testify Before House Africa Subcommittee
John Prendergast, Founding Director of the Enough Project and Co-Founder of The Sentry, will be testifying on Sudan before the U.S. Congress.
News from Sudan:
Huffington Post: Khartoum Begins New Military Offensive in South Kordofan
Khartoum Begins New Military Offensive in South Kordofan A clear violation of terms laid down by Obama Administration for lifting of U.S. sanctions on Khartoum The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army-North (SPLA/M-N) today...
Everything to know about sanctions in Sudan
“…they have done nothing so far to improve humanitarian access to rebel-controlled areas in South Kordofan. I don’t know where the US State Department got their information.”
Amnesty’s Adotei Akwei
“You want to celebrate and support his work, and his work is aimed at building capacity.”
“He’s Jesus Christ!”
The New York Times’ Nicholas Kristof travels to the Nuba Mountains.