Featured News
Recent features on The Heart of Nuba, press, news from the coalition and more.
Special Screening of The Heart of Nuba in Yerevan, Armenia
The Heart of Nuba screened at the 2019 Impact Humanity Television and Film Festival in Yerevan, Armenia in October. The film festival is produced under the umbrella of the Aurora Foundation. The Heart of Nuba received a ten minute standing ovation,...
Nicholas Kristof: These Are Stories That Still Touch Me
New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof travels around the U.S. and the world, shedding light on crises and unsung heroes. After 35 years at the Times, he compiled some of the work that is still particularly meaningful to him. Amid touching stories of...
Tom Catena to Speak at the 2019 World Health Summit in Berlin, Oct 27-29
Dr. Tom Catena, Aurora Humanitarian Initiative Chair and 2017 Aurora Prize Laureate, will participate as speaker at the 2019 World Health Summit to take place on October 27 to 29, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. Dr. Catena will join leading healthcare experts and...
A Special Message from Dr. Tom Catena
We received a very special Holiday message from Dr. Tom this year, thanking those who have supported The Heart of Nuba and the Mother of Mercy Hospital, and filling us in on plans for the coming year. Click on image to watch. [video_lightbox_vimeo5...
October 20: The Heart of Nuba Screening at Washington Cathedral
Saturday, October 20 the Darfur Interfaith Network's will screen The Heart of Nuba at Washington National Cathedral in D.C. If you live in the area or can be in DC, mark your calendars now. And contact us for details.
Golf Event Raises more than $100,000 for Mother of Mercy Hospital
Steve Kettelberger, President of Blue Rock Construction in Philadelphia, and Dr. Tom first met while playing football at Brown University. In 2014, Steve joined Dr. Tom at the National Football Foundation Annual Awards Dinner where Dr. Tom was awarded the...
Tom Catena in Fresno, CA for Aurora Prize Tour
In addition to caring for the people of the Nuba Mountains, this year, as the Aurora Prize Initiative Chair, Dr. Tom has been traveling and speaking about the Mother of Mercy Hospital and the Aurora Prize, conveying what the prize meant to him, and...
America Magazine: Dr. Tom in the Role of Religion in his Work
In a moving first-person article for America Magazine, Dr. Tom Catena talks about his work at Mother of Mercy Hospital, and the role that his religion has played in his decision to stay when others were evacuating, and how he deals with the pain and...
Dr. Tom Catena Receives Doctor of the Year Award
Dr. Tom was just awarded the 2018 Catholic Doctor of the Year award, from the Mission Doctors Association in Los Angeles. "Since 1959, the Mission Doctors Association has trained, sent and supported Catholic doctors and their families who come from across...
August 2018: A Message from Dr. Tom
We were so delighted to receive this message from Dr. Tom in August, from "the bush" of the Nuba mountains. Your participation and support has meant so much to him, and to the families of the Nuba mountains. Please continue. If you haven't yet donated,...
Dr. Tom, With Aurora Delegation, Receives Blessing from Pope Frances
On October 2, a delegation from the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative including Dr. Tom Catena received a special blessing from His Holiness Pope Francis during their visit to the Vatican. The visit was part of a wider trip from the group to Rome, during...
Dr. James Peck on Volunteering at Mother of Mercy Hospital
One of the gifts that has made it possible for Dr. Tom to travel and inspire others is having new doctors and surgeons do volunteer stints at Mother of Mercy Hospital, arranged through the long-term supporters of Mother of Mercy at the Catholic...
The Heart of Nuba Awarded at Cinema for Peace in Berlin
On Februrary 11 The Heart of Nuba was honored with the Most Valuable Documentary Award at Cinema for Peace in Berlin on February 11. Katrina Carlson performed the film’s song “Bloom” for the audience. As an extra blessing, Dr. Tom was able to join us and...
The Heart of Nuba on Voice of America
The Voice of America has included three excellent segments on The Heart of Nuba in their international coverage in late October and November. Voice of America provides trusted and objective news and information in 45 languages to a measured weekly audience...
UN Dispatch: Tom Catena is a Hero Doctor of Sudan’s Nuba Mountains (Podcast)
Mark Leon Goldberg interviews Dr. Tom in Yerevan, Armenia where he was on hand to participate in events around the Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity. Goldberg says "This is a powerful conversation with a true humanitarian who has saved countless lives in...